
AFSCME Local 1115 is governed by an Executive Board (E-Board), made up of four officers and three representatives from each of the three units at McLean – the Research Assistants (RAs), the Registered Nurses (RNs), and the Mental Health Specialists/Community Resource Counselors (MHSs/CRCs).
The current members of your E-Board are:
President - Vacant
Vice-President - Vacant
Treasurer - Isabelle Darling, RA
Secretary - Vacant
RA Representatives
- Nigel Jaffe
- Sylvie Weinstein
- Arnav Shiva
RN Representatives
- Vacant
- Vacant
- Vacant
MHS/CRC Representatives
- Vacant
- Vacant
- Vacant
If you’d like to serve on the Executive Board, please contact Nigel Jaffe at nigel.maxwell.jaffe@gmail.com
The Executive Board is your go-to if:
- you believe your rights under the contract have been violated and you want to do something about it.
- you have questions about what your union can do for you or how to get involved.
- you want to learn more about benefits and policies, 4) you're encountering unsafe situations, harassment, or discrimination.
If you are an RA and are having a problem at work or have a question, please contact mcleanraunion@gmail.com
If you are a member of the clinical staff and are having a problem at work or have a question, contact your Staff Rep Dan Morse at dmorse@afscme93.org or at 617-367-6045.
Please remember that if you use your Hospital email address, the Hospital can see all of your communications. We therefore strongly recommend that you reach out from a personal email address.